About PGC
PGC was formed to enable industrial gas users to speak with one voice on matters of common interest concerning policies affecting the supply and price of natural gas as well as natural gas transportation services. Because natural gas is so important to industrial manufacturing and processing operations, and because industrial gas uses typically cannot easily convert to alternate fuels, PGC members need reliable natural gas service at reasonable prices.
Thus, PGC members need ready, open access to both:
- market-priced natural gas; and
- interstate and intrastate transportation services to bring such gas to their plants.
To those ends, PGC advocates natural gas policies that promote:
- competition and the operation of free market forces, wherever such forces exist in meaningful strength;
- open access, nondiscriminatory transportation for all customers on pipeline and local distribution systems;
- equitable and responsible regulation in those sectors where consumers continue to need protection from gas companies' exercise of market power (particularly in the pipelines' and local utilities' transportation function);
- pipeline and local utility gas service rates that are unbundled and based on actual costs of service; and
- more rapid approval of interstate natural gas pipeline projects.
PGC seeks to promote these principles through representation at the federal level before legislative bodies, governmental agencies, courts and the general public. Accomplishments include:
- pipeline rate case settlements resulting in substantial real dollar savings on pipeline rates and more flexible transportation service options;
- participation in industry dialogue meetings with FERC Commissioners and Staff to present the needs and concerns of industrial gas consumers and recommend appropriate actions;
- coordination with other sectors of the natural gas industry, including associations representing pipelines, utilities, producers and marketers of natural gas, state regulatory groups and other consumers; and
- communicating with the Administration and Congress on the need for a comprehensive energy policy that balances use of natural gas and other fuels.
PGC's Efforts
PGC actively participates in major gas proceedings at FERC including generic rulemakings and important pipeline proceedings. PGC also participates in judicial appeals arising out of these FERC proceedings. PGC makes its views known to the Administration and Congress in connection with proposed or potential legislation affecting natural gas supply or transportation policies. Finally, PGC reaches out to educate and inform gas consumers, regulators, legislators and other organizations.